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Strategic Joint Ventures for Clients
The Strategic Joint Venture practice reflects a blend of financial and organization-related methods of accomplishing an enterprise vision through Business Partnerships or Joint Ventures.
- Actively pursue justified partnership(s) which harvests positive impact in visible timeframe,
- - New Business Capture
- - Enhance Existing Business
- - Assure Competitive Core Competency
- - Expanded Geographic Participation
- - Flexibly Adapt to Adversity & Change
- - Deliver Cost Containments
- May include helping examine the operating & economic implications of trade-offs between Build vs. Acquire vs. Partner / Joint Venture to achieve organization goals, including,
- - Healthy new thrust, or anticipation of change
- - Avoidance of worst-case outcomes arising from troubled situations
- - Overcoming stalled performance and being trapped by narrow circumstances
- This business development practice is founded upon pragmatism, reflecting economic justification of a "win / win" outcome for involved parties. Our activity is intended to quickly help our client pursue Vision without laborious study projects, and emphasizes immediate action.
- Click on companies below, indicated in red.