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Strategic Joint Ventures for Clients
Served General Electric in several critical divisional projects including,
- GE/Medical Systems' drive under Dr. Walter Robb to undisputed top market share position globally, requiring notable advanced planning and development of sector and regional strategies outside the USA -- involved seeking joint venture licensure with sources of computer technology, terminals integration for "client server" cost-effective deployment in larger institutions, advanced laser, advanced MRI and advanced NMR features that otherwise would have consumed Legal, R&D and time resources. This incorporated arrangements with companies such as Candela Laser, Perkin Elmer, Philips, and Raytheon
- Helped GE/Plastics drive to world-wide market leadership when managed by then Division General Manager John ("Jack") Welch, PhD, where one of the Department General Managers was Robert C. Wright (recently CEO of NBC) and another notable individual was Strategic Planning Manager Norman Blake (subsequently CEO of Heller Financial, USF&G and Promus) -- all strong personalities motivated to accept a flexibly adaptive strategy which incorporated multi-lateral Strategic Relationship Entities, licensure and devolved competitive alliances before they were popular as other means of International entry where/when costs were prohibitive; this led in part to subsequent acquisition of Borg Warner Plastics.
- Helping GE Information Systems Company (GEISCO) penetrate new segments of the Commercial Business (they had previous major Government success), required seeking several relations that took many different formats (e.g. JVs, et al) and leveraged upon GEISCO weaknesses in networking, advanced commercial software development of relation databases, multinational customer relationships, special verticalized application targets such as Financial Services and Manufacturing.
- Helping GE Jet Engines crack target Rolls Royce accounts by motivating acceptance of the strategic relationship entity concept with British Airways as a "fulcrum case" ... progressing to motivate 3 other targets to examine that initial success & garnering 2 of the original 4 which had been impenetrable for 20 years